Do you want to get the BEST PRICE GUARANTEED for any booking at the Fairway Motor Inn?
You can save up 10% on your bookings just by joining our loyalty club the Fairway Family. It's FREE to join and you will immediately receive 10% discount on any direct bookings, PLUS you will receive early notification of special packages and deals that are available to Fairway Family members.
Join now, it only takes a second and we will send you your first Discount Code which you can use INSTANTLY. It always pays to go direct and benefit from that friendly human touch that you just don't get using bigger sites online. Fairway Motor Inn hosts Debbie and Peter Gardiner have owned their motel since 2002 and can tailor your booking specific for your needs. For any queries or questions we are happy to help provide answers and information over the phone. Please note that this discount code is not available with any other offer.
Call us today on (02) 6495 6000 for further information.